For immediate release: January 30, 2024
The following news release was issued by the WMATA Office of Inspector General.
Acting Inspector General Kevin B. Muhlendorf announced the launch of the WMATA Office of Inspector General (OIG) Whistleblower Award Program. Effective February 1, 2024, the WMATA OIG’s Whistleblower Award Program will begin evaluating information provided by whistleblowers for potential awards of up to $10,000. Information on eligibility requirements, directions on submitting a tip or complaint, and answers to frequently asked questions can be found at
“Early detection of fraud by those who work for or contract with WMATA is critical to the protection of WMATA’s assets and taxpayer dollars,” said Acting IG Muhlendorf. “The goal of this program is to encourage and reward the provision of better and more timely tips by WMATA employees and contractor employees, as well as to bolster internal compliance programs by WMATA contractors. The OIG encourages anyone with information about waste or fraud related to WMATA contracts to
contact the WMATA OIG.”
Under the OIG Whistleblower Award Program, individuals who provide information to the WMATA OIG that results in either a recovery by WMATA of at least $250,000 or a cost savings of at least $1,000,000 through an audit or evaluation will be eligible for an award of up to $10,000. Information can be provided anonymously.
Simultaneously with the launch of the Whistleblower Award Program, the WMATA OIG is conducting an evaluation of WMATA contractors’ mandatory disclosures and ethics and compliance programs. WMATA contractors who are contractually required to make mandatory disclosures to the WMATA OIG are encouraged to review their policies and procedures for doing so, and promptly disclose reportable events to the OIG.
Acting IG Muhlendorf emphasized, “A contractor’s failure to make required disclosures to WMATA and the WMATA OIG calls into question a contractor’s present responsibility and can result in a referral to the WMATA Suspension and Debarment program. All WMATA contractors should be reviewing their compliance programs to ensure they are adequately evaluating and making required disclosures.”
If you want to make a disclosure or have information about fraud, waste, abuse, or mismanagement, please report it to the WMATA OIG Hotline at 1-888-234-2374, via email at or through the website at