Email the WMATA OIG Hotline at
The more information you provide, the better we will be able to determine appropriate measures to address your concerns.
If possible, you should include information that answers the following questions:
- Who committed the wrongdoing (name of person, company or organization), who may have been a victim, and who may be a witness?
- What exactly did the person, company or organization do?
- Where did the wrongdoing take place?
- When did the wrongdoing happen?
- Why did the person, company, or organization commit the wrongdoing?
In addition, please include information about any other potential leads, documents, or evidence that may be helpful.
You may provide information anonymously, but you should be aware that if we require further information to assess your complaint, we may not be able to act on your report unless you disclose your identity to us.
Confidentiality and Privacy
It is WMATA OIG policy that WMATA OIG personnel will not disclose the identity of individuals submitting a complaint or information to the WMATA Hotline unless the individual consents to such disclosure, or unless the WMATA Inspector General determines that such disclosure is unavoidable in the course of an investigation. While rare, such disclosure may become necessary if required by law, in certain situations involving a specific danger to health, safety, or national security, or in other exigent circumstances.
You are not required to identify yourself when submitting a WMATA Hotline complaint.
In addition to filing anonymously (where you do not give the WMATA Hotline any identifying information), you may also indicate your election of consent or non-consent to disclosure. Please keep in mind that, if you choose to file anonymously, OIG will be unable to request additional information from you and may be unable to investigate your complaint effectively. Also, if you request confidentiality and decline to waive it later if so requested, this may limit OIG’s ability to ensure proper handling and disposition of the matter and may result in closure due to insufficient information.
Matters Which May Be Resolved Via Different Channels
Certain matters may be better resolved through other channels instead of the WMATA Hotline. A list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) identify matters which are NOT generally investigated by the WMATA OIG.
MATA Hotline Pamphlets and Poster
WMATA Hotline pamphlet
WMATA Hotline poster
WMATA OIG Audit Process pamphlet
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