The Office of Inspector General (OIG) for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (Metro) was originally established by Board of Directors Resolution 2006-18 (PDF), approved April 20, 2006. On August 19, 2009, OIG was codified into law by an amendment to the Metro Compact, an interstate agreement enacted by Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia with the approval of Congress that created Metro as an agency and instrumentality of each jurisdiction.
The Inspector General provides advice to the Board of Directors and General Manager to assist in achieving the highest levels of program and operational performance in Metro. The Inspector General is also an officer of Metro and heads OIG. Under the Compact, OIG is an independent and objective unit of Metro that:
- Conducts and supervises audits, program evaluations, and investigations relating to Metro activities;
- Promotes economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in Metro activities;
- Detects and prevents fraud and abuse in Metro activities; and
- Keeps the Board fully and currently informed about deficiencies in Metro activities as well as the necessity for and progress of corrective action.
For more information, see OIG frequently asked questions, audit reports, performance evaluations, semiannual reports, other OIG reports, and policy instruction (PDF).
The Office of Inspector General provides:
- Excellence in our people, processes, products;
- Accountability for our work and compliance with professional standards;
- Integrity in everything we do, including ensuring that our products are fair, balanced, credible; and
- Efforts to help make metro more efficient, safer, and better for all who live in or visit the National Capital region.